
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Let it Styrofoam: A Christmas Club Party with a Frozen Theme in Xiamen

A nativity scene with Olaf wasn't the only mix of Christmas and the movie Frozen I saw a few months ago in Xiamen. I also saw an advertisement for a Frozen-themed Christmas party at the Royal No. 1 Club (皇家壹号).

promotion for a Christmas party at the Royal No. 1 Club (皇家壹号) in Xiamen

Using large broken pieces of styrofoam for snow was a special touch.

promotion for a Christmas party at the Royal No. 1 Club (皇家壹号) in Xiamen with Olaf and crushed styrofoam for snow

Sadly, I must report that I didn't go to the party and couldn't find any photos of it after a brief online search. So instead I will share a link to the first set of photos and video I found for another night at the club. They may push the boundary of "safe for work", though China's censors haven't been bothered (a defense HR would surely appreciate). I will share here one hopefully safe-for-work photo from the set which includes a couple of "mobile moments" — not everybody seemed captivated by the live entertainment.

young woman uses a mobile phone while four dancers pose at the promotion for a Christmas party at the Royal No. 1 Club (皇家壹号) in Xiamen

Just imagine a similar scene with Frozen characters and crushed styrofoam. Perhaps that will be close to what the Christmas party was like.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Brother Photo Request: Chinese Jesus

In a desire to mix things up and present myself a challenge, today for the first time ever I told my younger brother "you can pick the photo for today's post". The instructions were vague, but I figured he would understand what I was after.

Of course, he didn't, and after expressing excitement he sent me an image from The Oatmeal. Brothers . . .

I began to regret my offer and pointed out it wasn't a photo. My brother proposed it may have been a photo taken in a cartoon world with a cartoon camera.

This is why we didn't have better things growing up.

He soon made another attempt, though, and asked, "Do you have a picture of a Chinese Jesus?"

I didn't see that coming at all, and it raised several intriguing issues.

As I searched my mind for something relevant I have come across, he added, "I've seen Korean Jesus and Vietnamese Jesus, but I don't think I've seen a Chinese Jesus."

And if I was lacking motive, my brother provided one: "Jesus always brings in the pageviews."

Ok then.

One possible connection was Hong Xiuquan, a leader of the Taiping Rebellion and "self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ" — quite a story there. But I have not visited the Hong Xiuquan Memorial in Guangzhou, so I didn't see much potential there.

The best I could come up with was a nativity scene I saw a few months ago at the Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street in Xiamen. Not only did it include Jesus (unsure of ethnicity but probably not Chinese), it also included something connecting to my brother's earlier cartoon theme — Olaf (snowperson), a character from Disney's animated movie Frozen.

nativity scene with Olaf at the Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street in Xiamen

Olaf's sign said "Warm Wishes".

As with my brother's request, I am not going to even try to explain the display. But I will add that it was popular for selfies.

two young females taking a selfie in front of a nativity scene with Olaf at the Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street in Xiamen

Like a dog in Taiwan, my brother took me in unexpected directions. And in both cases there were religious destinations. What a world.

Update: More context and a bit of an explanation for the display here.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Laundry Detergent and Fashion: Women's Day in China

Today is a special day in much of the world, and, as reported by China Change, this year China spared no effort in its preparations:
Just before International Women’s Day on March 8, the Feminist Five activists in China, as well as their defense counsel, have been spoken to and put under pressure by police, according to friends and lawyers of the activists, communicating via social media.

On March 3, Internal Security police, the branch of the Public Security Bureau focused on internal political threats, sought out the defense lawyers of the feminist activists.
In Zhongshan on International Women's Day last year, I didn't see anything of note except a promotion for female lip hair removal. Several days later, I saw a Women's Day sale at the military-themed clothing store War Ground. Similarly, this year in Jieyang the only signs of Women's Day I noticed were sales at some small stores.

Women's Day sale at Cosmo Lady in Jieyang

Women's Day sale at Kekafu in Jieyang

Women's Day sale at Anta in Jieyang

Women's Day sale at Ray Li Lady in Jieyang

Women's Day sale at Living Store in Jieyang featuring laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid

Women's Day sale at Art CNW in Jieyang featuring laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid

Remarkably, two of the Women's Day sales featured laundry detergent and dishwashing liquid.

Perhaps also in the spirit of the holiday, Xinhua News on blocked-in-China Twitter today reported "Nearly 5 million Chinese women received micro-financing worth $38.1 bln in 2015". The tweet also included a photo.

women wearing qipaos posing for a photo in China

I recognize the location as the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street in Chongqing. After that, I must admit I have a few questions.

So I will end this piece simply by recommending Julie Makinen's story "How does China mark Women's Day? Hold the feminism, bring on the fashion show".

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Last Goats During This Year of the Yang

Not only did I see three goats yesterday, three goats saw me.

three goats

And a girl petted one of them.

girl petting one of three goats on a tricycle cart

They weren't part of a mobile petting zoo though. Instead, the man who had biked them there was selling fresh goat milk.

tricycle cart with three goats and sign indicating goat milk is for sale

It seemed to be an auspicious sign to see goats on the second to last day of the Chinese lunar new year. There was much debate over which animal was represented by 羊 (yáng) — the Chinese word for the year's zodiac symbol. It can refer to a range of animals related to sheep and goats, and additional characters are sometimes used to remove any ambiguity. In this case, though, the seller apparently felt that 羊 would be understood as "goat", not so surprising since we were in Chaozhou — a city in southern China. Of course, if there was any doubt, the nearby goats cleared things up.

Although I had questions about the whether the milk was safe, I figured I couldn't pass up the opportunity to end the year in such a fitting fashion. So I told the man I was interested in making a purchase. After discussing the amount of milk I wanted, he asked what I intended to do with it. After I told him I planned to simply drink it as is, he explained that wouldn't be a great idea.

The man with the goats had spoken. And he had passed up a sale in order not to bring me any harm. I thanked him and left milkless but appreciative I didn't end the year on an unpleasant note.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

A Luggage Ride in Shenzhen

I recently saw many examples of luggage sales at the Dongmen shopping area in Shenzhen. Most buyers likely planned to use their new luggage for the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday.

I saw one example, though, of a more immediate benefit.

Toddler sitting on a piece of luggage being pushed

Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year's Lightsabers in Hong Kong

During the recent New Year's celebrations in Hong Kong I didn't notice any pro-democracy yellow umbrellas, but I did see people carrying lightsabers.

people carrying lightsabers and a Captain America shield across an intersection in Hong Kong

Since several rather different possibilities come to mind, readers are free to find any symbolism in the scene on their own. Clearly, though, Captain America was enjoying the "sweet taste of interfering in other countries’ internal affairs" that night.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Mockey Mouse Spirit During Christmas in China

Christmas Eve could have been merrier for Disney in China, despite recent indications it will receive special attention in the government's efforts to reduce the number of imitation goods.

young woman wearing a "Mockey Mouse" coat standing next to a Christmas tree in Xiamen, China
What could be a better name for a mock Mickey Mouse?

Obvious imitations of Disney's trademarks, like the one above seen in Xiamen, are still common in China. A couple of months ago I saw an especially large number of "Mockey" clothing items in Shaoguan.

So when in Xiamen this past Christmas weekend I saw Mickeys, or perhaps Mockeys, at an arcade . . .

large Mickey Mouse statue outside an arcade in Xiamen

. . . on a car . . .

Mickey Mouse decals on a car with "新手上路 请多关照"

. . . on underwear . . .

Mickey Mouse underwear for sale in Xiamen

. . . and at a pedestrian street . . .

girl posing with a Mickey Mouse mascot at the Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street in Xiamen

. . . all sights I have seen elsewhere in China as well, it was easy to question whether they brought much holiday joy to Disney.

Monday, December 7, 2015

'Tis the Season for Star Wars in China

Signs of Christmas are easy to find in China this time of the year, and in the past I have shared holiday scenes from Putian, Quanzhou, Wuhan, Zhangzhou, and Hong Kong. But none of them included TIE fighters or Imperial Stormtroopers. The idea of mixing Christmas with Star Wars will make some people cringe with memories of the fascinatingly terrible 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. But at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai the two have been combined in a more harmonious manner to promote the upcoming release of Disney's Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Some people will still cringe due to the further commercialization of Christmas, but in China most people attach little or no religious meaning to the holiday and the government has more concerns about the potential "religionization" of Christmas.

Below are scenes at the shopping center from this past weekend, including Friday when several of the Star Wars displays were still roped off. Christmas trees with light sabers, starfighters, female models wearing Star Wars themed clothing, armed Star Wars figures, and an unarmed Santa Claus (unless you count his bell) all make appearances. Many of the photos capture the variety of people who interacted with the displays or the modern design of the shopping center itself. IAPM couldn't be more different from the simple outdoor market which existed at the same location less than 10 years ago and sold fakes imitating some of the luxury brands now available at posh stores there. The shopping center, its visitors, and Disney's new hopes in China are all signs of how much the country has changed since the first Star Wars movie opened 38 years ago in a land far, far away. . . .

Star Wars Stormtrooper with a gun at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars Christmas display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

little girl looking at a Star Wars display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young man taking a selfie with a Star Wars Stormtrooper at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

man taking a selfie in front of a Star Wars display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

elderly man taking a photo of a Star Wars display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

woman photographing a child in front of an X-wing fighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars TIE fighter and Stormtroopers at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

X-wing fighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

woman posing with a light saber at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

man posing with a light saber at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars display and Christmas tree at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

woman posing with a Star Wars stormtrooper at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

boy posing for photo with femal Star Wars models and life size statues at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman posing with a Star Wars Stormtropper at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Large Star Wars Christmas tree ornament at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars TIE fighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

little girl posing for photo in front of a Star Wars X-wing fighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

little girl posing for a photo with two female models at the Star Wars promotion at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young man and woman posing with Santa Claus at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman posing for a photo with Santa Claus in front of Star Wars display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman posing with a Star Wars Stormtrooper at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars TIE fighters at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

boy touching a Star Wars Stormtrooper's gun at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

posing for a photo in front of a Star Wars Christmas tree at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman photographing a small model of a Star Wars starfighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

small model of the Millennium Falcon at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman with a baby posing for a photo in front of a Star Wars display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman posing with Santa Claus in front of a Star Wars TIE fighter at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

elderly woman posing for a photograph with a female Star Wars model and a Stormtrooper at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

young woman wearing a ping New York Yankees hat looking at a Star Wars light saber display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

man posing with a light saber at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

man taking a photograph of a Star Wars Stormtrooper head at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Darth Vader's head at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

C3PO's head on display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars Christmas display at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai

Star Wars Stormtrooper with gun and man using a camera at the IAPM shopping center in Shanghai