
Showing posts with label China Scenes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China Scenes. Show all posts

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

China's National Day: October 1, 2016, in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang

October 1 was the celebration for the founding of the People's Republic of China and the beginning of a Golden Week holiday during which nearly 600 million people are expected to travel in China. I have spent the holiday in Mudanjiang — a city in China's most northeastern province. During the afternoon of October 1, I walked around a central commercial area including a pedestrian street and Culture Square, where I had already seen Chinese flags displayed for the holiday.

Some people carried a Chinese flag.

man with girl holding a Chinese national flag in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sold Chinese flags.

woman selling PRC flags in Mudanjiang, China

Some streets were filled with vehicles.

traffic on Taiping Road in  in Mudanjiang, China

Some streets were filled with pedestrians.

people walking on a pedestrian street in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a child.

man carrying a boy past street vendors in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a dog.

young woman carrying a poodle across a street intersection in Mudanjiang, China

Some people carried a bear's head.

young woman carrying a bear mascot head past a three-wheeled vehicle in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sang and played.

man signing and playing guitar at Culture Square in Mudanjiang, China

Some people sang and danced.

Adults clapping for a toddler singing and dancing at Culture Square in Mudanjiang, China

Some people checked their phone.

young woman wearing a bridal gown and using a mobile phone in Mudanjiang, China

Some people took a drive.

boy driving an electric kiddie car with a PRC flag in Mudanjiang, China

And, of course, some stores had a sale.

National Day "sale" signs in Mudanjiang, China

In many ways what I saw was indistinguishable from other days I have spent Mudanjiang. For this reason, the day unexpectedly and somewhat ironically reminded me of another day in another Chinese city. The crowds did feel larger, though nothing like what is seen in more popular destinations. I don't expect that much will be different here in another week or two, except that there won't be so many flags.

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Moment of Blue Skies and Good Air in Beijing

When I see people excitedly mention blue skies in Beijing, I typically have conflicting feelings. On one hand, I feel happy they are enjoying a beautiful sky. On the other hand, I find it regrettable that the moment is so special in part due to air pollution.

But I felt only amazement after existing Beijing's Dongsi Shitiao metro station a couple of weeks ago and seeing a blue sky with clouds that look normal to me though not to everybody in China. Blue skies don't always equal good air quality, but in this case the pollution levels were good according to U.S. standards for both short term and long term exposure. The sky and air were quite a change of pace from the heavy pollution on the day I arrived from Hong Kong and many other days I have experienced in Beijing.

So here are a few photos from a moment which shouldn't have been so remarkable but was.

blue skies above the intersection at the Dongsi Shitiao metro station in Beijing

blue skies and clouds reflecting off a building at the intersection above the Dongsi Shitiao metro station in Beijing

blue skies and clouds reflecting off a building at the intersection above the Dongsi Shitiao metro station in Beijing

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Umbrellas on a Dull, Rainless Day in Beijing

A scene today at the intersection of Fuchengmen Inner Street and Jinrong Street in Beijing:

female with a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses riding a scooter and two others carrying umbrellas on a cloudy day in Beijing

The sky wasn't sunny for most of the day and the air pollution was noticeable. Yet I still saw people carrying umbrellas or taking other steps useful for avoiding a tan despite the low chances. I have no new comments to add, so I will simply mention earlier posts about the umbrellas I saw on a rather smoggy day in Changsha, Hunan, and how the desire for whiter skin might be a factor in China's large number of people with vitamin D deficiency.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Four Views of the Chongqing People's Liberation Monument in Jiefangbei

In an earlier post about International Women's Day in China, I mentioned I recognized the location of a photo shared by Xinhua News. One clue in the photo was a portion of the People's Liberation Monument, hard to miss at Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street's central square in Chongqing despite the many much higher structures nearby.

Below are four photos I took of the square on an overcast and smoggy day in January last year. The first photo was taken approximately facing southwest, similar to the Xinhua News photo but farther away from the monument. The following three in order approximately face southeast, northeast, and northwest. A dense commercial district with a wide range of eating and shopping options, including a number of luxury brands, surrounds the square. In the background of the last photo, the Apple Store which opened last year can be seen when the entrance was covered with a tarp before some special art was revealed. Even if food or shopping isn't on your mind, the area is great for people watching as it is frequented by many locals and Chinese tourists who visit Chongqing.

view of the Chongqing People's Liberation Monument and the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street's central square facing southwest

view of the Chongqing People's Liberation Monumentand the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street's central square facing southeast

view of the Chongqing People's Liberation Monumentand the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street's central square facing northeast

view of the Chongqing People's Liberation Monumentand the Jiefangbei Pedestrian Street's central square facing northwest

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Two Contemporary Shenzhen Styles

Two photos from the city which borders Hong Kong — Shenzhen:

On Shennan East Road

"Year of the Monkey Makeup Inspired by Chinese Opera"
Portion of an advertisement inside Lilian Sun Plaza, Dongmen

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I (and My Laptop) Return

I had not planned on taking off several days from blogging and the online world outside China's Great Firewall. I had also not planned for my laptop to stop functioning in a somewhat suspicious fashion soon after posting about Taiwan's recent presidential election. That's just the tip of an undesired adventure which led to a sudden return to Hong Kong yesterday.

The short story is after arriving in Hong Kong I was able to quickly resolve the problem with my computer, which may have been caused by China in an unexpected manner not tied to any of my recent posts. I hope to share more of the story later. All has mostly returned to what counts as normal, though in some ways the adventure itself was normal. Or at least, it's not the first time I have had to make a mad dash from one city in China to another due to computer woes.

I am currently focused on recalibrating plans and am not yet sure what the next week holds. So for now, here's a recent scene from Zhongshan Park in Xiamen. The city where I was yesterday morning. And a few weeks ago. And maybe again soon.

girl using a mobile device sitting on a stone bench next to a lake at Zhongshan Park in Xiamen
A more peaceful mobile moment

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Xiamen Sunset

Posting will be light as the year closes. In that spirit, a sunset in Xiamen:

sunset in Xiamen, China
A view from halfway up to (or down from) Wulao Peak

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Pedestrians on Two Roads in China

I am now far away from the pedestrian street in Shanghai which appeared in the previous post, but China has many pedestrian streets. So here are two happy girls I saw today at Xiamen's Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street.

two girls holding hands walking down Xiamen's Zhongshan Road Pedestrian Street

Yet Xiamen isn't the city where I took the photo of the earlier mystery scene I shared after departing Shanghai. I left that city this morning on a high-speed train which a regular announcement identified as "Harmony". Fortunately, Harmony didn't present an endlessly repeating promotional video like the train from Shanghai.

Nobody correctly identified the location of the earlier scene, although there were some reasonable guesses. Keeping with the pedestrian street theme, I will share another scene from the city.

man carrying a little boy on his shoulders past street food vendors in Ningde, China

As a close examination of the photo will reveal, it isn't exactly a pedestrian street. People on motorbikes often made their way on the narrow roadway past the street vendors and through the crowds. It all seemed to work, perhaps even harmoniously, like many other aspects of life in Ningde.

Ningde and Xiamen both differ significantly from Shanghai. And they differ significantly from each other as well, although they are both on China's southeastern coast in Fujian province. So Fujian flavors are on the way (amongst others), including those found on pedestrian streets.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Two More Shanghai Scenes

I was tempted to included two more photos in the previous post "Twenty Shanghai Scenes Not Featuring Luxury Malls or Skyscrapers", but they didn't quite fit the theme which emerged. So I will share them separately here.

One photo captures a portion of a destination especially popular for tourists and shoppers: the Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street.

people on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street in Shanghai

The other photo includes tall buildings in the background.

May Thirtieth Movement Monument (五卅运动纪念碑) by Yu Jiyong (余积勇) and Shen Tingting (沈婷婷) in People's Park in Shanghai

In front of the buildings is a collaborative creation (link in Chinese) by Yu Jiyong (余积勇) and Shen Tingting (沈婷婷): the May Thirtieth Movement Monument in People's Park.

The locations where these photos were taken are just minutes away from each other by foot. And I have stories for both. Another day . . .

Friday, December 18, 2015

Twenty Shanghai Scenes Not Featuring Luxury Malls or Skyscrapers

Despite all of the attention Shanghai receives from the outside world, many aspects of the city's life and environment remain relatively underexposed. As in earlier posts covering areas of Shanghai such as Dachang Town, Xuhui district, and Hongkou, I will share a set of photos to offer a bit more balance. The ones below were taken where my activities brought me in central areas of Shanghai west of the Huangpu River during the past couple of weeks. Like photos of Shanghai's luxury malls and modern skyscrapers, they all capture a part of the city's story.

girl sitting on the basket of a bicycle sculpture
Small park next to Qinghai Road

Shaanxi North Road
Shaanxi North Road

Changping Road
Changping Road

View from an entrance to the underground Hong Kong Shopping Centr
Facing away from an entrance to the underground Hong Kong Shopping Centre

men at Fengian Road in Shanghai
Fengxian Road

person pulling wheeled luggage at a lane south of Nanjing West Road
Lane south of Nanjing West Road

Lane north of Tianshan Road
Lane north of Tianshan Road

man wearing hat selling sweet potatoes from a tricycle cart at intersection of Shaanxi North Road and Xinhui Road
Sweet potatoes for sale at intersection of Shaanxi North Road and Xinhui Road

little girl wearing a bear-themed coat
A small bear

Construction site next to Puji Road and Guangfu Road in Shanghai
Construction site next to Puji Road and Guangfu Road

vehicles passing the Hongxin Fashion Plaza in Shanghai
Hongxin Fashion Plaza

elderly woman with white dog sitting next to a statue of a woman riding a bicycle at the Wujiang Road Pedestrian Street
Wujiang Road Pedestrian Street

Qipu Lu in front of the Xingwang International Finery City (上海兴旺国际服饰城)
Qipu Road next to the Shanghai Xingwang International Finery City

baby in stroller in front of a shop at the Xingwang International Finery City
In front of a shop at the Xingwang International Finery City

two young men walking front of the Shanghai Railway Station
Shanghai Railway Station

Young woman wearing a "YANKEE LOVES SUGAR" coat with Old Navy in the background in Shanghai
Crossing Huashan Road

Looking out a window at a restaurant on Jiaozhou Road
Window at a wine bar & bistro on Jiaozhou Road

restaurants on Shaanxi North Road just south of Xinhui Road in Shanghai
Restaurants on Shaanxi North Road just south of Xinhui Road

In front of the Tianshan Commercial Building
In front of the Tianshan Commercial Building

man sitting next to road reading a book with a bicycle tire pump nearby
Julu Road